

Science - Intent, Implementation and Impact


At Otterburn Primary School we strive to provide a high-quality scientific education which provides our children with the foundations for understanding the world around them using their prior knowledge as a starting point. It is our intention that pupils not only acquire the necessary knowledge, but also understand its value, enjoy the experience of working scientifically, and sustain their interest in learning science. We aim to encourage our pupils to recognise the power of rational explanation and to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. We envisage that our children understand how science can be used to explain what is happening, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes. We strive to ensure that our pupils achieve well in science and are frequently given the opportunity to conduct experimental investigations for themselves.   


At the core of our science curriculum is the need to make the subject interesting. Learning comprises of a broad variety of experiences; observation, discussion, scientific enquiry and first hand practical experiences. Effective differentiation and challenge ensure that children make good progress in the subject and are able to fulfil their potential. The curriculum at Otterburn has been designed to ensure that each area of the science curriculum is covered; mindful of the progression from EYFS to KS1 and KS2.

Skills focused upon working scientifically are embedded into lessons to ensure that these are being developed throughout the child’s school career. Lessons are planned so that children have the opportunity to refine these skills and become more independent scientists. 

Where possible or appropriate Science lessons are planned to be practical and teachers have access to a range of resources to support this. Teachers are aware of the key scientific vocabulary and how it needs to progress in order to be successful in science.


At Otterburn Primary School we want all our children to embrace Science and to enjoy learning. It is our aim to encourage our children to develop a passion which they can build on throughout their education, and beyond. 

At Otterburn Primary School we cover all the programmes of study from The National Curriculum. As children progress through school, we build on prior learning and home experiences and fully utilise any cross curricular links.