

History - Intent, Implementation and Impact


Through the teaching of History at Otterburn Primary School we aim to:

  • Stimulate the children’s interest and understanding about key events and the lives of people in the past. 

  • Teach children a sense of chronology and how historical events had an impact on the lives of people at that time. 

  • Contribute to citizenship education by teaching about how Britain developed as a democratic society. 

  • Ask questions about the past.


At Otterburn Primary school we teach a broad and balanced History curriculum through cross curricular topics taught on a cycle. These topics include a combination of Geography and History lessons which, although taught discretely, link together to enable the children to better understand the people, places and events that were happening at the time.

Teachers work together to allow for the development of skills and knowledge from one year group to another.  Prior learning is identified and referred to throughout the topic. Children are encouraged to make  links between their previous learning and what they are learning now. Wherever possible links are also made to other subjects and children are encouraged to transfer skills from one area to another. School trips and visitors are used to enhance the learning.

Where possible, links and comparisons are made to local history.  Children are also encouraged to think about  the impact and changes that may have been felt locally and in the wider world, to view the world from different perspectives and to develop an awareness and understanding of the importance of historical issues on life today.


At Otterburn Primary School we want children to love learning. Our History curriculum allows teachers to plan creative and exciting activities that make learning relevant and memorable.

Progress is measured each term by ongoing teacher observation, questioning around the key skills and knowledge of the topic and by answering a key question at the end of the topic to share and demonstrate all their learning.

By the end of their time at Otterburn Primary School children will:

  • Have a growing knowledge of world events and their place on the timeline

  • Have a wider vocabulary of historical terms.  

  • Aspire to discover more about history, through reading, travel or the media.  

  • Know that they can use their voice to express themselves and their opinions.  

  • Develop their historical skills, such as, evaluation, creativity, problem solving and enquiry.