
Childcare - Before and After School

Childcare Provision
Breakfast and After School Childcare Provision can be booked using Parent Pay. If you have any difficulties with booking, payment or would like some general information about this, please telephone or email the school office. 
Before School Childcare Provision (7.45-8.35am)
The charge for this is £4.50 (£3.00 for children in receipt of Free School Meals - FSM*)
The children will be offered a breakfast of toast or cereal and a drink.
Please can you ensure that if your child will require before school childcare, you notify the school office of this by 4.30pm the day before. This helps us to know which children to expect in school the following morning. 
After School Childcare Provision (3.15pm-4.30pm)
The charge for this is £5.00 (£4.00 for children in receipt of Free School Meals - FSM*)
The children will be offered a healthy snack and drink.
Please can you ensure that if your child will require after school childcare, you notify the school office of this by 9.30am the morning of the booking at the very latest.
*Free School Meals discount - this is applicable to children whose parents are in receipt of, one or more of the benefits outlined on the following page: