
Design and Technology

Design and Technology - Intent, Implementation and Impact


Through the teaching of Design Technology at Otterburn Primary School we aim to give children the opportunity to; 

● Be creative and design products which solve real or imagined problems for a range of purposes. 

● Begin to apply their understanding of diet and nutrition to food technology and to design and make some food products. 

● Begin to evaluate their work against a design criteria. 

● Begin to develop an understanding of the impact of design technology on daily life and the impact it has had on their local community. 


At Otterburn Primary School we teach a design technology curriculum which often has cross curricular links where possible. The teachers have planned the design technology curriculum to ensure that the topics taught fulfil all of the aims of the 2014 Design Technology national curriculum. 

Design Technology topics are taught as discrete units over a half term. Children are posed with a brief that requires them to make something for a particular person or group of people with a very specific purpose.  This brief is the focal point of the project with the children then researching, designing and making prototypes that meet this brief.  They then make a well finished product and evaluate it against the brief. Teachers use a variety of resources to plan and deliver the design technology curriculum. 


At Otterburn Primary School we want our children to love learning. Because of this our Design Technology curriculum allows for cross curricular links which enable teachers to plan creative and exciting activities, thus ensuring each topic is memorable. 

Children will have the opportunity to increase and improve their skills in design technology as they progress through our school. Teachers will support children as they design and make, enabling them to make products which they can be proud of, that have a relevance in their daily lives. 

Any work which is on display is exhibited in an eye-catching way in order to celebrate the achievements of our children. Through evaluations children reflect on what they have done and what went well. 

Teachers make ongoing assessments and observations of the children throughout the topic.